Fuel Filters
A fuel filter is a filter in the fuel line that screens out dirt and rust particles from the fuel, normally made into cartridges containing a filter paper. They are found in most combustion engines. Fuel filters serve a vital function in today’s modern, tight-tolerance engine fuel systems. Unfiltered fuel may contain several kinds of contamination. If these substances are not removed before the fuel enters the system, they will cause rapid wear and failure of the fuel pump and injectors, due to the abrasive action of the particles on the high-precision components used in modern injection systems. Fuel filters need to be maintained at regular intervals. This is usually a case of simply disconnecting the filter from the fuel line and replacing it with a new one, although some specially designed filters can be cleaned and reused many times. For shipping companies, the unpredictable quality of fuel oil presents a considerable problem, because the lower the quality, the greater the risk of damage to the engine. Our filter systems do provide a defined and reliable protection of your engine and their components against wear.
Are you interested in any of our filter systems? We will be glad to send you an offer – simply contact us.